THURSDAY, JUNE 13TH 3:30PM - 8:00 PM
Join us on Thursday, June 13th for our opening night featuring dinner, cocktails and a movie! We will have an amazing lineup of films including TIMELESS: A VIRGIN ISLAND LOVE STORY by Ed Laborde and D’wayne Wiggins. Followed by a LIVE Q&A with both Bay Area Legends themselves!
Originally from St. Thomas, spent his high school years in New York where hejoined the Navy. After 4 years of service he left the Navy in 1993 and decided tostudy film production. While attending the Academy of Arts University in SanFrancisco, he established Afro-Flicks, a film production company dedicated toproducing diversified images of people of the African Diaspora. Through Afro-Flicks, Ed developed and produced dozens of shortnarrative videos, two shortfilms: “She’s Too Mean To Me” and “Gumbo”; and Music videos “Y” and “ILike”, for which he won Top Music Video honors from the Black Filmmakers Hallof Fame.In 2000, he produced his debut feature film:Me and Mrs. Jones, starring KimFields and Brian White, which won awards for Best Feature Film and Bestoverall Film from the Black Filmmakers Hall of Fame, Hollywood Black FilmFestival, San Francisco Black Film Festival and Cinequest. The film alsoappeared at the 2001 CannesFilm Festival, Urban World, American Black FilmFestival and the Pan African Film Festival. “Me and Mrs. Jones” is currentlydistributed nationwide and has sold over 300,000 copies to date.Shortly after his stint on the film festival circuit, Ed wrote and directed hissecond feature film “Get Money” starring Carl Anthony Payne, II in 2003. From2003 to 2006, Ed served as the Director of Film Promotions for the USVIDepartment of Tourism and was responsible for attracting theBETseriesCollege HillandThe Chronicles of Benjamin Button, a Paramount Picturestarring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett to the territory.Since then he has worked as a freelance producer for WTJX, TV2 and ISWStudios where he produced several projects and commercial campaigns,including It Takes All of Us for the Schneider Regional Medical Center, In anInstant, a short narrative for the U.S. Attorney’s Office, and music videos forlocal recording artists including BV& Drastic, Barefoot Davis and SpectrumBand, Fella Million and Inner Visions.La Borde, together with playwright David Edgecombe, owns and operatesCutting Edge Entertainment, Inc. which was founded in 2008. In 2011, CuttingEdge purchased the production support company Grip Flicks, Inc. which hadcredits such asShawshank Redemptionand music videos for country starKenny Chesney under its belt. Ed won three ADDYs at the 2011 ADDY Awardsand eight awards at the 2012 ADDY Awards held in St. Thomas, USVI by the AdClub of the Virgin Island
Edward La Borde, Jr.
Writer and star of award winning documentary Romeo is Bleeding, executive produced by All Def Digital. Film is based on a retelling of Rome and Juliet based in richmond Ca to address the gun violence.
Poetry workshop facilitator and published author.
Latest collection of poetry titled Psalms is available. And is working on a new film...tba soon